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Logo angelo rossi arte


small paintings on paper to collect, give away, treat yourself

Io mini Fiore in preparazione

The plant like all forms of life they are endowed with sensory organs which, unlike animals and men, are distributed over their entire physiognomy.

In essence, plants see with their whole body, feel with their whole body, feed themselves with their whole body, possess a mind, a soul and energy bodies, they are living entities endowed with intelligence, feelings and spiritual abilities and therefore they give off vibrations and messages that we can also receive when we are available to listen.

While painting them I have sometimes represented their bodily presence with spontaneous and colorful brushstrokes and other times I have highlighted their more spiritual version with the aura above the corolla and the vortexes of energy crossing the stem or the leaves.

After all, plants cover more than 99% of life on the planet and with their constant and incessant creative activity they are the dominant species on earth.

The purpose of these "Mini" works is to remind you to always go a little beyond what you have learned to see so far. Listen, open your heart and mind and slowly your eyes will open too.

The I Mini Flower they are unique pieces and it is not possible to make two alike, so if the flower you like it's already out of stock and you don't see one like it in this gallery or even in the shop EtsyDon't worry.

Write me one message with the characteristics, color, shape of the flower or something else so I'm going to rummage in the archive and we will surely find something that's right for you.

The I Mini Flower ARE available on the Etsy shop in two different formats 10x15 cm and 20x20 cm. Each painting is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and shipping is free.

On the occasion of the collective exhibition
FEMALE ART, Introspection and Expression, organized in the spaces of the cultural center La Caterinaccia in Viterbo, Italy.
I have decided to offer some of the flower paintings in postcard which you can download free on Telegram channe l ArtDOWNLOADprint and use as a greeting card or hang as a picture.🌸🌿

About the shop Etsy you can see others The Mini Flowers and if you put one in your favorites you will automatically receive a 10% discount 

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